Hi there. You’ve reached Get Set Design. You’ve come here to find out a little more about us, right? But this also tells us a little something about you:  you’re smart, discerning and have impeccable taste. We like you. We want to work with you. And we definitely want to make your business grow.

Illustration of a tree representing growth



Want a website designed to woo customers?  Well, that starts with user research. We kick assumptions to the curb and have actual conversations with your users. Through our research, we’ll find out what makes them tick and what just ticks them off.

Our process

User Centred Design

If users are not getting what they need from your site, they’ll just say: “Hasta la vista” and terminate their visit. We avoid this catastrophe by getting users’ input throughout the design process. We fine-tune what works and ditch what doesn’t.

Our process

Creative Copy

As Spiderman’s Uncle Ben said: “With great copy, comes great design.” What’s that you say? He didn’t? Well, if he’d been a good designer he would’ve! So, we first make sure your design is rooted in copy that is clear, creative and captivating.

Our process

We like the toasty, warm fuzzies we feel when we give back to good causes - this means non-profits! So, know a good cause that could use our special brand of TLC? Let us know and our philanthropic alter-ego, Design XOXO, will swoop in and do something heroic. No charge.

Know a worthy cause?

Reach out through